
“I absolutely love your materials and it has helped so much in the understanding of what a Biblical worldview is in all the crucial areas. This course has helped to solidify many things in my son's mind. Thanks so much for your work and the efforts that you had to take to bring those about.”

Jean, from California
Homeschool Mom

“Dear Nehemiah Institute, I just wanted to tell you how much of a help your products have been to me. I am a senior at a Christian high school which I have attended all my life, and my father is a Baptist pastor. I took the PEERS test, and scored in the secular humanism category on some parts of the test. Needless to say, this disturbed me. I took the test independently and am now working through the DBW workbook. It has been a tremendous blessing to me in helping me to evaluate everything I hear or see in the light of God's Word. I tell everyone I can about you guys. Thank you!!”

Anna A., from Portland, OR

“Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the superb presentation at Focus earlier today. Please be encouraged that your work is clearly on the cutting edge of frontline battle in the Body of Christ. Persevere, brother, no matter what. We stand with you.”

Cliff Kelly, Ph.D.
Director of Academics, Focus on the Family Institute

“The Worldview Alliance, headed up by Dan Smithwick and Boyd Morris, is a great need. I give my support to it.”

Rev. Andrew Sandlin

“I am thrilled to hear that the Worldview Alliance project is going forward- much needed!”

George Grant

“I am quite familiar with Dan's work and believe he is doing a good thing. I support the Alliance initiative.”

Douglas Wilson

“The PEERS Test is one of the most outstanding resources available to the Christian school movement- it makes it possible for schools to measure progress in the area that is most important to the mission of the school.”

Mickey Bowdon

“We have found the PEERS Test to be helpful in evaluating the progress of our young people and adults in understanding the application of a Biblical world. We recommend it to others.”

Dr. Paul Jehle
New Testament Christian School

“Having studied this test, and all of the data provided by the results, I'm convinced the PEERS Test is an invaluable tool for the evaluation of the effectiveness of our teaching a Christian world view at Christian Heritage Academy.”

Ralph Bullard
Christian Heritage Academy

“The PEERS Test looks really promising as a discussion tool, a teacher in-service training tool, and most of all, an objective measure for gauging the effectiveness of our programs.”

Dr. Jeff Myers
Summit Ministries

“I have examined the testing program of Nehemiah Institute and find that the PEERS Test serves a very important purpose. I strongly recommend it to Christian organizations. I believe they will find the test useful in finding better ways to communicate and evaluate important information concerning the Biblical worldview to their employees and their students.”

Dr. Ronald Nash

“The PEERS Test is the best benchmark gauge for establishing where you stand on the political spectrum. The results are helpful in making course corrections in one's belief patterns.”

Dr. David Balsiger

“We appreciate what you are doing and we hope we can work with you. It seems to me you are right on target.”

Rev. Jim Henry
First Baptist Church, Orlando

“Thank you for the contribution you made to the 95 Christian School Leadership Seminar at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The participants responded very favorably to you and the content of your sessions.”

Dr. John Chandler

“I was pleased to learn just exactly what the Nehemiah Institute is endeavoring to do, and I commend you in your efforts. Blessings on you, Dan. Let's do keep in touch.”

James Heidinger, II
Good News

“Your ministry is vital to our post-Christian country. I am excited about the opportunity of being networked together with you for the promotion of Christ's Kingdom.”

Israel Wayne
Wisdom's Gate

“I want you to know that you are on the right track and I appreciate you greatly.”

Dr. Ted Baehr
Christian Film & Television Commission

“We appreciate your work with the Nehemiah Institute and the PEERS Testing Group. Please continue to keep us up-to-date; we find your information extremely interesting. Your service is a valuable tool and we believe the Lord will continue to bless your endeavors.”

Ken Ham
Answers in Genesis

“Congratulations Dan, for an excellent use of the important work you have done. We are more convinced than ever that the Lord has raised you up as a 'prophet-scientist' to bring reality-awareness to the church for such a time as this.”

Dr. Carole Adams
Foundation for American Christian Education

“Thank you for sending me the copy of your worldview assessment tool. I have wanted to see this for quite a while and I am glad to have seen it. Let me commend you on a job well done. Let's keep in touch.”

Dr. John Morris
Institute for Creation Research

“Thank you so very much for your letter and the material on the Nehemiah Institute. I commend you for the fine work in research and publication which you have done.”

Rev. David Breese
Christian Destiny

“Thank you so very much for the materials. I have no doubt that the assessment is accurate-- God's blessing upon you.”

Dr. Paige Patterson
Southern Baptist Convention

“We recognize the quality of your work and appreciate the time and effort you have so obviously invested in the development of this material. We are sincerely encouraged by your input and regard your inquiry as a valued compliment.”

Dr. James Dobson (via Sharon Kopf)
Focus on the Family

“We would like to thank you for being our guest on NIGHT TALK which aired on Sunday evening, March 21, 1999 on KJRT radio. It is always a pleasure to have a guest that is articulate and knows their subject matter.”

Paul Anderson
Reasons for Faith

“We really appreciate the good Kingdom work you are doing. We believe that your material can be of significant assistance to our membership as they seek to prepare Kingdom workers.”

Randy Bell

“Thank you for your letter and enclosed booklet, Back to School. May God bless you for the work you are doing with our young people today.”

Dr. Pat Robertson (via June Hudgins)

“Dan Smithwick and the Nehemiah Institute have made a major contribution in the restoration of American education through the PEERS Test.”

Dr. Charles Wolfe
Restore the Republic

“Let me say how much I appreciate the thought and work which went into developing the PEERS Test. It is definitely an idea whose time has come, and represents the kind of information Christian schools need in order to demonstrate that what one is taught does influence how one makes decisions in every area of life.”

Dr. Tom Askew
Cornerstone Christian Academy