About PEERS Testing

Nehemiah Institute was founded in 1986. Its primary work has been in providing a “worldview assessment” to youth in Christian homes associated with Christian schools, homeschool associations or church youth groups. The assessment is called The PEERS Test. The PEERS Test is the only professionally validated worldview assessment available.

PEERS is an acronym standing for Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues. Over 125,000 tests have been taken by high school age youth from over 1,000 Christian schools and other Christian organizations. By answering 70 test items (14 from each category) PEERS ranks the individual into one of four basic worldview categories:

  • Biblical Theism
  • Moderate Christian
  • Secular Humanism
  • Socialism

Based on 30+ years of test results, PEERS testing shows that the majority of youth from Christian homes are abandoning a Christian worldview (Biblical Theism) if favor of a Secular worldview if not a Socialist worldview. When PEERS testing was launched in the 1980s, the majority of youth from Christian homes scored in either the Moderate Christian worldview or Biblical Theism worldview. Today, that same demographic shows over 90% of Christian youth scoring in the Secular Humanism category (using exact same questions) and less than 3% scoring in Biblical Theism.

This is arguably the single greatest problem facing the Church in America today!

The purpose of this site is to offer the PEERS Test to parents and all adults in local churches to have their own personal Worldview Checkup. Restoring our youth to a mature biblical worldview position will require that parents and church leaders first believe and live in the Biblical Theism category themselves.

The new platform provides an easy and quick way to get a checkup on your worldview position. With use of any computer device, you can get an instant PEERS Scorecard plus instant access to high quality Position Papers on the most frequently missed PEERS items. The site also provides access to additional follow up training materials with online purchases.

The full PEERS test, and Position Papers, are available here only for the low cost of $17.76 per person. These are ideal for individual use or group studies.

If you have any questions, call 800-948-3101

Get your personal, confidential Worldview Checkup today.

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Already taken the PEERS Test? Retrieve your Scorecard here